Virginia Gurau
Pages: 124-131
Published: 16 Nov 2022
Views: 426
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Abstract: This paper presents the calculation of far-infrared magneto-absorption spectra of D- centres, consisting of neutral shallow donors that bind on additional electron in quantum well. The calculation is carried out under the conditions of electron-plasmon resonance when the distance between Landau levels is equal to the energy quantum of magnetic plasma oscillations. Throughout the process, resonant interaction of two-dimensional D- centre with magnetic plasma is taken into consideration. It is shown that the relative height of the absorption peaks is dependent upon the resonance frequency detuning. It is also found that the theoretical absorption spectra, calculated with account of resonant electron- plasmon coupling, coincide with experimental data obtained in GaAs-Ga0.75Al0.25As multiple quanta well (MQW) structures.
Keywords: multiple quanta well, two-dimensional d- centre, magneto-absorption spectra, electron- plasmon resonance, magnetic plasma oscillations
Cite this article: Virginia Gurau. MAGNETOABSORPTION OF D- CENTERS IN QUANTUM WELLS AND ELECTRON- PLASMON RESONANCE. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 16, 124-131 (2022).
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