Ruska Draganova-Hristova, Snejana Iordanova
Pages: 317-324
Published: 20 Oct 2023
DOI: 10.62991/EA1996160672
Views: 398
Downloads: 39
Abstract: The report presents a learning activity conducted in chemistry and environmental science classes. A high degree of inter- and transdisciplinary was achieved during its implementation. Relative atomic and molecular mass and their relationship to other natural sciences are discussed. A variety of teaching approaches and methods are applied, some of which are: exploratory approach, experiential learning, learning by doing, small group work, etc. During the activities, various electronic applications are used, models of molecules are constructed, and a variety of problems are posed and solved. One of the final products of the lesson is related to the students' creative activity in constructing a model of a cave.
Keywords: relative molecular mass, chemistry, model, steam, science literacy
Cite this article: Ruska Draganova-Hristova, Snejana Iordanova. RELATIVE MOLECULAR MASS AND RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER NATURAL SCIENCES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 21, 317-324 (2023).
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