Fatih Serttaş, Ardan Hüseyin Eşlik, Fatih Onur Hocaoğlu, Tuba Nur Serttaş
Pages: 75-81
Published: 30 Nov 2023
DOI: 10.62991/MMT1996353799
Views: 339
Downloads: 36
Abstract: Insulation coordination is one of the most critical issues in high-voltage electrical installations. The smallest defect in the insulation will cause major problems in the near future. Timely insulation failure diagnosis can prevent life-threatening occupational accidents. Insulation fault diagnostics create maintenance costs for the business but prevent much larger costs that are highly likely to occur in the long run. This paper presents an experimental setup to detect insulation problems of XLPE cables. The experimental setup is composed of a coupling capacitor, voltage divider circuit, High-Voltage transformer, coupling device, and coaxial cable. The specimen of XLPE cable is connected from the high-voltage side of the transformer and the data is collected from the measuring device connected at the end of the coupling device. The paper presents different test results for different XLPE cable specimens tested on the presented system. It is possible to test different medium or high-voltage cables using the presented experimental setup.
Keywords: partial discharge, insolation fault detection, xlpe cable, high-voltage
Cite this article: Fatih Serttaş, Ardan Hüseyin Eşlik, Fatih Onur Hocaoğlu, Tuba Nur Serttaş. AN EXPERIMENTAL SETUP FOR INSOLATION FAULT DETECTION OF XLPE CABLES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Materials, Methods & Technologies 17, 75-81 (2023).
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