Dóra Szalay, Zoltán Jákói, Viktória Papp
Pagini: 211-220
Publicat: 31 Jul 2019
Vizualizări: 1,070
Descărcări: 89
Rezumat: Agricultural by-products can become the most important feedstock for biofuel production in the future because the expected growth in demand for food crops for food industrial. Thanks to the characteristics of the country, the potential of herbaceous agricultural by-products is outstanding in Hungary. However, the utilization of woody by-products requires a more advanced technology and its current application is low. The survey results for base materials reveal there are about 165 thousand tons of fruit tree pruning annually. This by-product has a relatively high calorific value, which could provide 2.6 PJ of energy if utilized. About 57 thousand tons of by-products can realistically be collected from vineyards; these by-products could supply nearly 1 PJ of energy content.
Cuvinte cheie: biomass, agriculture, woody by-products, biofuel, grape pruning, fruit tree pruning, short rotation coppice
Citează acest articol: Dóra Szalay, Zoltán Jákói, Viktória Papp. POSSIBLE ROLE OF AGRICULTURAL WOODY BY-PRODUCTS IN LIGNOCELLULOSE BIOFUEL PRODUCTION IN HUNGARY. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 7, 211-220 (2019). https://www.scientific-publications.net/en/article/1001847/
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