Caner Aladağ
Pages: 296-306
Published: 25 Sep 2016
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Abstract: Aim: The purpose of the study, which is the main theme of geography teacher candidates to determine the cognitive level of geomorphology. Methods: The data of the study, Geography Teacher Grade 4 students were obtained by independent word association test applied to. The obtained data are classified by investigators according to semantic relationships. Findings: The categories examined, the frequency and percentage, environmental awareness, organizations concerned with the environment, combating climate change and environmental issues to be considered waste has come to the fore. Result and Discussion: Clear statements about the geomorphology of Geography Teaching students observed that the difficulty in letter. Difficulty in expressing even though, they knew the subject and are experiencing a lot of confusion.
Keywords: geomorphology, perception, candidate teacher, geography
Cite this article: Caner Aladağ. PERCEPTIONS OF THE GEOMORPHOLOGY OF GEOGRAPHY TEACHER CANDIDATES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 296-306 (2016).
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