Damyana S. Grancharova, Zhelyazka D. Raykova
Pages: 173-182
Published: 13 Oct 2019
Views: 1,057
Downloads: 134
Abstract: The focus of the article is to compare and evaluate several physics lessons from the chapter "Mechanics" of the subject Physics, taught in two ways: in-class - formal education and out of class - informal. In the present study are described some different methods and approaches that are successfully applied in extracurricular activities. The learning in the two cases is active in nature and also student-centered. In the informal education, students acquire different skills and knowledge, mostly through their own experience: preparing science projects at a time convenient for them, work in a team outside the classroom. One of the tasks of the lessons conducted in informal education is to form scientific literacy.
Keywords: science literacy, out-of-class activities, informal education
Cite this article: Damyana S. Grancharova, Zhelyazka D. Raykova. AN OPPORTUNITY TO FORM SCIENCE LITERACY IN EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 17, 173-182 (2019).
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