Sara Zamir, Tamar Horowitz
Pages: 436-451
Published: 1 Oct 2022
Views: 391
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Abstract: The decline of teachers’ self and public esteem is a result of intertwined causes such as the strengthening of skeptical trends and the narrowing of the knowledge gap between generations. Hence, teachers can no longer maintain an agreed-upon social position and are subject to constant criticism which undermines their status. The aim of the current research was to examine the image and status of teachers as reflected in popular caricatures. To this end, both content analysis and semiology methods were applied. Key finding show that most of the inventory includes caricatures implying the victimhood of teachers.
Keywords: the image of teachers, teachers' status, caricatures, cartoons, victim, victimizer
Cite this article: Sara Zamir, Tamar Horowitz. THE PORTRAYAL OF TEACHERS AS REFLECTED IN POPULAR MEDIA CARICATURES. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 20, 436-451 (2022).
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