Michal Smoczynski, Boguslaw Staniewski
Strony: 542-548
Opublikowano: 3 Nov 2014
Wyświetlenia: 3,183
Pobrania: 1,308
Streszczenie: The present study investigated the effect of changes in the milk fat globule membrane on the emulsion changes and flocculation of milk fat globules under the influence of saliva. Samples of raw and homogenized milk were examined. The flocculation process was characterized through computer image analysis of the emulsion observed with the confocal microscope. As a result, the fractal dimension was calculated, which characterized the extent of flocculation. The applied method allows unbiased quantitative comparison of changes in the milk emulsion system.
Słowa kluczowe: saliva, flocculation, milk fat globules, image analysis, fractal dimension
Cytowanie artykułu: Michal Smoczynski, Boguslaw Staniewski. SALIVA-INDUCED FLOCCULATION OF MILK FAT GLOBULES STUDIED BY IMAGE ANALYSIS. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Agriculture & Food 2, 542-548 (2014).
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