Educational Alternatives
ISSN 1314-7277 (online)
Educational Alternatives focuses on innovative approaches in education and knowledge management, addressing both theoretical and practical dimensions. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including organizational creativity, public sector innovation, e-learning technologies, internationalization of higher education, lifelong learning, and alternative education methods. It also explores areas such as legal frameworks, inclusive education, pedagogy, cross-cultural communication, and the integration of research and education. Serving as the primary publication outlet for the annual Education, Research & Development conference, the journal publishes both conference proceedings and independent research submissions.
- Tom 22, 2024
- Tom 21, 2023
- Tom 20, 2022
- Tom 19, 2021
- Tom 18, 2020
- Tom 17, 2019
- Tom 16, 2018
- Tom 15, 2017
- Tom 14, 2016
- Tom 13, 2015
- Tom 12, 2014
Wszystkie numery opublikowane przed 31 grudnia 2013 r. zostały przeniesione do Archiwum w wyniku zmian w strukturze czasopism.
Knowledge and Innovation: A Primary Factor for Productivity and Economic Growth
- Innovative approaches to knowledge management
- Flexible approaches to knowledge management
- Peer-to-peer knowledge management
- Organisational creativity & idea generation
- Public sector innovation and policy
- Educating the next generation of innovators
- Culture and team management in innovation
- Legal Framework in Knowledge Management
- Education in market economy; Competitive education
- The role of education in creating information society and technologies
- Еducation and research, demographic processes and labour market
- Equal access and wider participation in education
- Government regulation and legislation
- Structure, management and funding
- Intellectual property in education and research
E-Learning and Virtual Innovations
- E-learning: projects and results
- E-learning: pedagogical strategies and tactics
- Developing e-learning methods for specific fields
- Online laboratories and classrooms
- Virtual universities
- Electronic library: information and search technologies
- Electronic journals and books: projects and prospects
Higher Education: Globalisation and Internationalisation
- Higher and further education: new challenges
- Academic experiences and best practice contributions
- Quality processes at national and international level
- Evaluation and assessment
- Exchange programmes for students and university staff
- Higher education and the Bologna Process
- Application of the European system for accumulation and transfer of credits (ECTS)
- Erasmus Programme: implementation and results at universities
- The internationalisation of universities
- Research and educational networks
- International projects and innovations
- Linking universities and the industry: partnerships, programmes, expertise
- Assessment of students knowledge and skills
Scientific Research: Results and Perspectives
- Scientific research centres: achievements and new ideas
- Researching technologies in education
- International research cooperation
- Research on various aspects of the innovative society
- Research methodologies
- Academic research projects
- Interconnection between education and research
- University/Industry/Government: collaborative partnership in research
Socialisation of Youth in Contemporary Society
- Humanising education
- Creative activities
- Continuity in education
- Arts in education
- Teacher training in a multicultural environment
- Intercultural communication; The system of values in the dialogue of cultures
Education, Individual and Society
- Pedagogy and methodology of education
- Psychological and pedagogical content of educational activities
- Integration of cross-cultural studies in the curriculum
- General and vocational education
- Pre-school education
- Extra-curricular and out-of-school activities
- Lifelong learning
- Alternative education
- Education of children and pupils with special educational requirements
- Personnel, scientific, information and library services
- Quality of teaching, training programs and аssessment
Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Indeksacja czasopisma
Redaktor naczelny
Prof. Yacov Kedem
Mofet Institute, Israel
Członkowie rady redakcyjnej
Prof. Aleksander Aristovnik
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Assoc. Prof. Caner Aladag
Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Prof. Daniela Ilieva
VUZF University, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Dzintra Kazoka
Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
Asst. Prof. Fran Galetic
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Prof. Jana Beresova
Trnava University, Slovakia
Dr. Florentine Paudel
University College of Teacher Education in Vienna, Austria
Prof. Sara Zamir
Achva Academic College, Israel
Prof. Kris Dalm
Technical University of Applied Sciences (OTH) Amberg-Weiden, Germany
Prof. Andreas Deuter
OWL University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Dr. Giuseppe Liverano
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy
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