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Educational Alternatives

ISSN 1314-7277 (online)

Educational Alternatives focuses on innovative approaches in education and knowledge management, addressing both theoretical and practical dimensions. The journal covers a wide range of topics, including organizational creativity, public sector innovation, e-learning technologies, internationalization of higher education, lifelong learning, and alternative education methods. It also explores areas such as legal frameworks, inclusive education, pedagogy, cross-cultural communication, and the integration of research and education. Serving as the primary publication outlet for the annual Education, Research & Development conference, the journal publishes both conference proceedings and independent research submissions.

Поради промени в структурата на списанията, всички издания, публикувани преди 31 декември 2013 година, са преместени в Архив.

Knowledge and Innovation: A Primary Factor for Productivity and Economic Growth E-Learning and Virtual Innovations Higher Education: Globalisation and Internationalisation Scientific Research: Results and Perspectives Socialisation of Youth in Contemporary Society Education, Individual and Society Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Индексиране на списанието
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Главен редактор
Yacov Kedem
Prof. Yacov Kedem
Mofet Institute, Israel
Членове на редакционния съвет
Aleksander Aristovnik
Prof. Aleksander Aristovnik
University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Caner Aladag
Assoc. Prof. Caner Aladag
Necmettin Erbakan University, Turkey
Daniela Ilieva
Prof. Daniela Ilieva
VUZF University, Bulgaria
Dzintra Kazoka
Assoc. Prof. Dzintra Kazoka
Rīga Stradiņš University, Latvia
Fran Galetic
Asst. Prof. Fran Galetic
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Jana Beresova
Prof. Jana Beresova
Trnava University, Slovakia
Dr. Florentine Paudel
Dr. Florentine Paudel
University College of Teacher Education in Vienna, Austria
Sara Zamir
Prof. Sara Zamir
Achva Academic College, Israel
Kris Dalm
Prof. Kris Dalm
Technical University of Applied Sciences (OTH) Amberg-Weiden, Germany
Andreas Deuter
Prof. Andreas Deuter
OWL University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Dr. Giuseppe Liverano
Dr. Giuseppe Liverano
University of Bari Aldo Moro, Italy

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