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Language, Individual & Society

ISSN 1314-7250 (online)

Language, Individual and Society examines the relationships between language, personal identity, and social structures. The journal covers a diverse range of topics, including sociolinguistics, language and culture, discourse analysis, cognitive and psycholinguistics, language education, and foreign language teaching methodologies. It also explores multilingualism, language policy, translation studies, and the impact of information and communication technologies on modern communication practices. This journal publishes research from the annual Language, Individual and Society conference, alongside independent submissions.

Wszystkie numery opublikowane przed 31 grudnia 2013 r. zostały przeniesione do Archiwum w wyniku zmian w strukturze czasopism.

Culture, Civilisation and Society Language Teaching and Learning Linguistics Individual and Psychology Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Indeksacja czasopisma
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Redaktor naczelny
Natalia Dankova
Prof. Natalia Dankova
University of Quebec Outaouais, Canada
Członkowie rady redakcyjnej
Aylin Sevimel-Sahin
Assist. Prof. Dr. Aylin Sevimel-Sahin
Anadolu University, Türkiye
Ibrahim Darwish
Dr. Ibrahim Darwish
Yarmouk University, Jordan
Florian Andrei Vlad
Assoc. Prof. Florian Andrei Vlad
Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Jana Beresova
Prof. Jana Beresova
Trnava University, Slovakia
Mariana Neagu
Prof. Mariana Neagu
Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania

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