Language, Individual & Society
ISSN 1314-7250 (online)
Language, Individual and Society examines the relationships between language, personal identity, and social structures. The journal covers a diverse range of topics, including sociolinguistics, language and culture, discourse analysis, cognitive and psycholinguistics, language education, and foreign language teaching methodologies. It also explores multilingualism, language policy, translation studies, and the impact of information and communication technologies on modern communication practices. This journal publishes research from the annual Language, Individual and Society conference, alongside independent submissions.
- Том 18, 2024
- Том 17, 2023
- Том 16, 2022
- Том 15, 2021
- Том 14, 2020
- Том 13, 2019
- Том 12, 2018
- Том 11, 2017
- Том 10, 2016
- Том 9, 2015
- Том 8, 2014
Все выпуски, опубликованные до 31 декабря 2013 года, перемещены в Архив в результате изменений в структуре научного журнала.
Culture, Civilisation and Society
- Language, history and culture; Personality and creativity
- Culture studies, anthropology and ethnology; Interdisciplinary research
- Multiplicity of identities in contemporary culture
- Globalisation vs. cultural identity
- Culture and language communication
- Tradition and innovation in culture
- Culture and semiotics
- Arts and literature
- Modern theories of language and communication
- Cognitive nature of communication
- The role of information and communication technologies in present-day society
- Communication in the structure of cultural space
- Foreign language teaching & intercultural communication
- Sociology of language
- Language and Society
- School of Languages and Social Sciences
- Language, interaction and conversation
- Sociology of Language and Religion
- Sociology of knowledge and language
- Immigration and Language
- Language, Structure, and Measurement
- Contrastive Sociolinguistics
Language Teaching and Learning
- Language education
- Native language teaching and learning
- Professional & teacher training and development
- Managing change in foreign language teaching (FLT) trends
- FLT curriculum development
- Language teaching methodology
- Teachers as innovators & facilitators
- FLT for specific purposes
- Material selection & production
- CALL, FLT and learning in the digital age
- Classroom practice & language proficiency
- Literature & the language arts
- Testing & evaluation
- Special needs in foreign language teaching
- Independent/Autonomous learning
- Teaching foreign languages to young learners
- Modern linguistic theories
- Cognitive linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
- Discourse analysis
- Historical linguistics
- Literacy
- Pragmatics
- Semantics
- Syntax and morphology
- Phonetics and phonology
- Sociolinguistics
- Psycholinguistics
- Neurolinguistics
- Stylistics
- Applied linguistics
- Comparative & contrastive linguistic studies
- Translation studies, including machine translation
- The role of ICT for the development of modern languages and communication
Individual and Psychology
- Language and Social Psychology
- Comparative Psychology
- Cognitive Psychology: Behaviour, Brain & Cognition
- Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition
- Individual Differences: Memory and Language
- Perception & Psychophysics
- The Psychology of Second Language Acquisition
- Language and Cognitive Processes
- Language As Social Action
- Developmental Psychology
- Personality and Social Psychology
- Psychology of Language and Communication
- Psychology for Language teachers
Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Индексация журнала
Главный редактор
Prof. Natalia Dankova
University of Quebec Outaouais, Canada
Члены редакционной коллегии
Assist. Prof. Dr. Aylin Sevimel-Sahin
Anadolu University, Türkiye
Dr. Ibrahim Darwish
Yarmouk University, Jordan
Assoc. Prof. Florian Andrei Vlad
Ovidius University of Constanta, Romania
Prof. Jana Beresova
Trnava University, Slovakia
Prof. Mariana Neagu
Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, Romania
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