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Agriculture & Food

ISSN 1314-8591 (online)

Agriculture & Food publishes original research articles and reviews on a wide range of topics related to agriculture and food science. The journal covers areas such as crop production, animal husbandry, food processing, sustainable agriculture, food safety, and nutrition. We aim to share new findings and promote discussion among researchers and professionals in the field. This journal is the main publication channel for research originating from the annual Agriculture & Food conference.

Поради промени в структурата на списанията, всички издания, публикувани преди 31 декември 2013 година, са преместени в Архив.

Agriculture, agricultural science, and agronomy Plants Animals Food Papers on other relevant topics are welcome too.
Индексиране на списанието
FAO AGRIS China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) Semantic Scholar CiteSeerX Base Crossref
Главен редактор
Prof. Irfan Ozturk
Dr. Irfan Ozturk
Trakya Agricultural Research Institute, Turkey
Членове на редакционния съвет
Prof. Ahmed Zahran
Prof. Ahmed Zahran
Minia University, Egypt
Prof. Cristina Bianca Pocol
Prof. Cristina Bianca Pocol
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Prof. Vladimir Bales
Prof. Vladimir Bales
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia
Prof. Liga Paura
Prof. Liga Paura
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Latvia
Prof. Przemyslaw Niewiadomski
Prof. Przemyslaw Niewiadomski
University of Zielona Gora, Poland
Wojciech Ciesielski
Assoc. Prof. Wojciech Ciesielski
Institute of Chemistry, Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Poland
Dr. Beglarashvili Nazibrola
Dr. Beglarashvili Nazibrola
Institute of Hydrometeorology, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Prof. Charles Iledun Oyewole
Prof. Charles Iledun Oyewole
Kogi State University, Nigeria
Prof. George Chiladze
Prof. George Chiladze
University of Georgia, Georgia
Prof. Maia Meladze
Prof. Maia Meladze
Institute of Hydrometeorology, Georgian Technical University, Georgia
Prof. Metahri Mohammed Said
Prof. Metahri Mohammed Said
UMMTO, Algeria
Prof. Nacira Zerrouki Daoudi
Prof. Nacira Zerrouki Daoudi
UMMTO, Algeria

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