Yuanyuan Liu
Pages: 146-153
Published: 22 Sep 2016
Views: 1,947
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Abstract: Curriculums articulation is a crucial practical step to start the globalization of higher education institutions as it the key to understanding different higher education systems. This study presents a case of cooperation between Guizhou University, China and Colorado State University, USA, and the 2+2 bachelor joint cultivation program between School of Management, Guizhou University, China and Business College, Colorado State University, USA. The study shows the practical problems of the program and how they are solved by curriculums articulation. Besides, top-down management and coordinating mechanism are suggested by the study in order to better carry out program of higher education globalization.
Keywords: globalization, higher education, curriculum articulation
Cite this article: Yuanyuan Liu. TOWARDS THE CURRICULUMS ARTICULATION DURING THE PROCESS OF HIGHER EDUCATION GLOBALIZATION. Journal of International Scientific Publications: Educational Alternatives 14, 146-153 (2016).
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